Baby Gym


Baby Gym
Baby Gym Logo

A baby's brain develops early and fundamental movement foundation is vital to this develop. Each 30 minute BabyGym class utilises passive movements to help maintain joint mobility and stability for physical development while interactions & movements with their grownup to assist with neurological & emotional development while the grownups get to spend time with other grownups outside of the house doing something fun with their child.


School Programs

The Coaches of Phoenix Gymnastics have been supporting the Physical Education curriculum of a number of Fraser Coast schools for many years now and can do the same for your school, day care, Kindergarten and home school program. Weekly classes throughout a term, one-off classes for something different or perhaps making gymnastics a reward session.

Our specially designed sessions can be provided at the Gymnasium for the full experience or we bring a great selection of our equipment to your school / centre.

Talk to us to find out more about what we can do for you.